OT Favorites for Parents

When looking for ways to help your child, no matter what you are looking for, chances are you will find tons of resources and websites. It is impossible to read everything. This list is designed to be a helpful “jumping off point” for you, I’ve included some of my favorite websites and materials, as well as my favorite easy tips for helping your child’s day go a little smoother!

Favorite Sensory Websites -The Sensory Project

Favorite Sensory Tools -Vibrating Pencil -Z-Vibe -Soundsory

Favorite Fine Motor Games -Giggle Wiggle -Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game

Favorite Logic and Reasoning Games -Rush Hour -Dr. Eureka

Favorite Websites for Autism Spectrum Disorder -Meaningful Speech -And Next Comes L

Favorite Websites for Executive Function challenges and ADHD -LynneKenny.com -Power cards

Favorite easy tips -My favorite easy tip is to use schedules and checklists! It is amazing what letting your child know the plan will do to support their independence. Even if you don’t feel like your child needs a schedule, try it out and see if you notice a difference in their emotional regulation, impulse control, attention, or general attitude.