At Adventure Pediatric Therapy, we believe that everyone’s brain is unique and amazing. We accept all kinds of brains and ways of thinking. We recognize that the way our brains work may not match the way that somebody else’s brain works.
During our therapy sessions, we strive to provide neurodiversity-affirming care. To us, that looks like asking each family to define what neurodiversity means to you and working with your family to support and empower your child. We recognize that we are learning and growing in our understanding of what this looks like. We strive to listen and learn from our families and the neurodivergent community. We believe in working as a team that supports you and your child.
We believe in the following statement: "Neurodiversity-affirming practice is an ongoing, non-linear process– a constant pursuit rather than an end destination. It requires critical reflection and a willingness to listen, learn, identify one's own biases/shortcomings, and then unlearn former practices and mental model" (OT’s for Neurodiversity).
We presume competence. We believe that every child is capable of amazing things and has the ability to learn and grow. We believe in using the “just-right challenge” to help your child develop. We believe that by setting goals we are presuming competence. We feel that to presume competence we need to set realistic and attainable goals and that we are then able to utilize your child’s strengths and motivating activities to meet these goals. If we are not setting goals and working to reach them, we are not presuming their competence and therefore are seeing neurodiversity as a disability.
We prioritize connection. We understand that therapy and growth is never an easy task, but with the right team, anything is possible. We seek to learn from your child as much as we desire for them to learn from us. Our strongest desire is for your child to feel happy, loved, and capable.